Versi terupdate dari postingan yang ini. Alasan harus update karena di versi sebelumnya masih memanfaatkan git-ftp
, dan juga jika tanpa git-ftp
masih dengan asumsi di server tujuan adalah git repository, problemnya jika menggunakan ini, ketika ada file baru yang tidak di-tracking akan menjadi dirty repo. di versi ini, ada proses penapisan file yang berubah saja yang diunggah, lalu menjalankan composer install
. Selain itu juga, karena servernya berbasis CWP, untuk lebih aman menggunakan fitur jailkit sehingga user hanya bisa mengakses lingkungannya sendiri saja. Berikut ini langkah-langkahnya:
- install jailkit ke server dan edit
this section probably needs adjustment on 64bit systems
or non-Linux systems
comment = common files for all jails that need user/group information
paths = /lib/, /lib64/, /lib/, /lib64/, /lib/i386-linux-gnu/, /lib/i386-linux-gnu/, /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/, /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/*, /etc/nsswitch.conf, /etc/
Solaris needs
paths = /etc/default/nss, /lib/, /usr/lib/nss_*.so.1, /etc/nsswitch.conf
comment = common files for all jails that need any internet connectivity
paths = /lib/, /lib64/, /lib/libnss_mdns*.so.2, /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/host.conf, /etc/hosts, /etc/protocols, /etc/services
on Solaris devices /dev/udp and /dev/tcp might be needed too, not sure
comment = timezone information and log sockets
paths = /etc/localtime
need_logsocket = 1
Solaris does not need logsocket
but needs
devices = /dev/log, /dev/conslog
comment = Jailkit limited shell
paths = /usr/sbin/jk_lsh, /etc/jailkit/jk_lsh.ini
users = root
groups = root
includesections = uidbasics, logbasics
comment = alias for jk_lsh
includesections = jk_lsh
comment = Concurrent Versions System
paths = cvs
devices = /dev/null
comment = Fast Version Control System
paths = /usr/bin/git*, /usr/lib/git-core, /usr/bin/basename, /bin/uname, /usr/bin/pager
includesections = editors, perl
comment = ssh secure copy
paths = scp
includesections = netbasics, uidbasics
devices = /dev/urandom, /dev/null
comment = ssh secure ftp
paths = /usr/lib/sftp-server, /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server, /usr/lib/misc/sftp-server, /usr/libexec/sftp-server, /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
includesections = netbasics, uidbasics
devices = /dev/urandom, /dev/null
on solaris
paths = /usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server
comment = ssh secure shell
paths = ssh
includesections = netbasics, uidbasics
devices = /dev/urandom, /dev/tty, /dev/null
paths = rsync
includesections = netbasics, uidbasics
comment = procmail mail delivery
paths = procmail, /bin/sh
devices = /dev/null
comment = bash based shell with several basic utilities
paths = /bin/sh, bash, ls, cat, chmod, mkdir, cp, cpio, date, dd, echo, egrep, false, fgrep, grep, gunzip, gzip, 7z, unzip, ln, ls, mkdir, mktemp, more, mv, pwd, rm, rmdir, sed, sh, sleep, sync, tar, touch, true, uncompress, zcat, /etc/motd, /etc/issue, /etc/bash.bashrc, /etc/bashrc, /etc/profile, /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8
users = root
groups = root
includesections = uidbasics
comment = for ssh access to a full shell
includesections = uidbasics, basicshell, terminfo, editors, extendedshell
comment = Midnight Commander
paths = mc, mcedit, mcview, /usr/share/mc
includesections = basicshell, terminfo
comment = bash shell including things like awk, bzip, tail, less
paths = awk, bzip2, bunzip2, ldd, less, clear, cut, du, find, head, less, md5sum, nice, sort, tac, tail, tr, sort, wc, watch, whoami
includesections = basicshell, midnightcommander, editors
comment = terminfo databases, required for example for ncurses or vim
paths = /etc/terminfo, /usr/share/terminfo, /lib/terminfo
comment = vim, joe and nano
includesections = terminfo
paths = joe, nano, vi, vim, /etc/vimrc, /etc/joe, /usr/share/vim
comment = several internet utilities like wget, ftp, rsync, scp, ssh
paths = wget, lynx, ftp, host, rsync, smbclient
includesections = netbasics, ssh, sftp, scp
comment = htpasswd utility
paths = htpasswd
comment = alias for extendedshell + netutils + apacheutils
includesections = extendedshell, netutils, apacheutils
comment = jail for the openvpn daemon
paths = /usr/sbin/openvpn
users = root,nobody
groups = root,nogroup
includesections = netbasics
devices = /dev/urandom, /dev/random, /dev/net/tun
includesections = netbasics, uidbasics
need_logsocket = 1
comment = the apache webserver, very basic setup, probably too limited for you
paths = /usr/sbin/apache
users = root, www-data
groups = root, www-data
includesections = netbasics, uidbasics
comment = the perl interpreter and libraries
paths = perl, /usr/lib/perl, /usr/lib/perl5, /usr/share/perl, /usr/share/perl5
comment = getting X authentication to work
paths = /usr/bin/X11/xauth, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt, /etc/
comment = minimal files for X clients
paths = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt
includesections = xauth
comment = the VNC server program
paths = Xvnc, Xrealvnc, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/
includesections = xclients
comment = Ping program
paths_w_setuid = /bin/ping
comment = xterm
paths = /usr/bin/X11/xterm, /usr/share/terminfo, /etc/terminfo
devices = /dev/pts/0, /dev/pts/1, /dev/pts/2, /dev/pts/3, /dev/pts/4, /dev/ptyb4, /dev/ptya4, /dev/tty, /dev/tty0, /dev/tty4
comment = the php interpreter and libraries
executables = /usr/bin/php,/usr/bin/php5.6,/usr/bin/php7.0,/usr/bin/php7.1
directories = /usr/lib/php, /usr/share/php, /usr/share/php5, /etc/php, /usr/share/php-geshi, /usr/share/zoneinfo, /etc/snmp, /usr/share/snmp
includesections = env
comment = environment variables
executables = /usr/bin/env
comment = mysql client
executables = /usr/bin/mysql, /usr/bin/mysqldump
paths = /usr/lib/
comment = drush (drupal command line)
executables = /usr/local/bin/drush
includesections = php, mysql-client, uidbasics, netbasics
directories = /etc/ssl/certs, /usr/share/ca-certificates
comment = composer
executables = /usr/local/bin/composer
includesections = php, uidbasics, netbasics - Jalankan
jk_init -j /home/jail/USER basicshell netutils editors composer php
- Desain gitlab-ci.yaml yang untung sekali dibantu dengan chatGPT
- deploy
PROJECT_PATH: "/path/to/project"
stage: deploy
- 'which ssh-agent || (apk add --update openssh-client git git-ftp)' # Install dependencies jika perlu
- eval $(ssh-agent -s) # Start SSH agent
- echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add - # Tambah private key
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
- chmod 700 ~/.ssh
- ssh-keyscan -H "$SSH_HOST" >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts # Hindari prompt fingerprint
- chmod 644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- echo "Fetching last deployed commit..."
- ssh "$SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST" "cat $PROJECT_PATH/.git-ftp.log || echo '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'" > last_commit.txt
- LAST_DEPLOYED=$(cat last_commit.txt)
- CURRENT_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
- echo "Last deployed:" $LAST_DEPLOYED
- echo "Current commit:" $CURRENT_COMMIT
- CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff --name-status $LAST_DEPLOYED $CURRENT_COMMIT || echo "")
- echo "Changed files:"
- |
if [ -n "$CHANGED_FILES" ]; then
echo "Uploading changed files..."
# Set IFS to newline to ensure each line is processed separately
for line in $CHANGED_FILES; do
echo "Processing line: $line"
STATUS=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}')
FILE=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $2}')
NEW_FILE=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $3}')
case "$STATUS" in
DIR_PATH=$(dirname "$FILE")
echo "Ensuring directory exists: $PROJECT_PATH/$DIR_PATH"
echo "Uploading $FILE..."
echo "Deleting $FILE..."
OLD_DIR_PATH=$(dirname "$FILE")
NEW_DIR_PATH=$(dirname "$NEW_FILE")
echo "Ensuring directory exists: $PROJECT_PATH/$NEW_DIR_PATH"
echo "Moving $FILE to $NEW_FILE..."
echo "Unknown status: $STATUS for file: $FILE"
echo "No changes to upload."
- echo $CURRENT_COMMIT | ssh "$SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST" "cat > $PROJECT_PATH/.git-ftp.log"
- ssh "$SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST" "cd $PROJECT_PATH && composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader"
- main